Message from the

“Dear Readers,
A warm and hearty welcome to the latest edition (Volume 2, 2024) of the St Xaviers University Kolkata Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (SXUKJIR). I invite you to set out on a journey that encompasses not only academic excellence but also the values integral to our identity as a Jesuit institution. Our vision and mission, rooted in the Ignatian charism, find resonance in every page of this
journal. St. Xavier's University, Kolkata endeavours to promote a society based on love, freedom, justice, and fraternity. The journal, a testament to our commitment, showcases research that strives to contribute to the creation of knowledge based on these values. It embodies the Jesuit ethos of Magis: a Latin word that means “more” or “greater,” as we continue on our quest for excellence.”

Rev. Dr. Fr. John Felix Raj, S. J.

Previously published volumes

SXUKIJR Volume 1, 2023
(Abstracts Booklet)

Download (1.03 mb)

SXUKIJR Volume 2, 2024
(Abstracts Booklet)

Download (2.59 MB)

Submission Guidelines

About Us

St Xaviers University Kolkata Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (SXUKJIR) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published annually by St. Xavier's University, Kolkata. Committed to the highest standard of excellence in interdisciplinary research, and inspired by the values of our cherished institution, issues of SXUKJIR shall comprise of research articles, reviews, case studies, and critical commentaries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • 01. Is SXUKJIR a peer reviewed journal?
    Yes, we follow a double-blind peer review process for each of our acceptable submissions.
  • 02. Does SXUKIJR have an ISSN no.?
    Yes, the ISSN number of the journal is as follows: 2584-055X (Print). The ISSN number (Online) has been applied for and is currently in process.
  • 03. What is the frequency of publication of the journal?
    SXUKIJR is published annually.

Aims and Scope